ANNUAL REPORT 2017-2018 7 Objective The Tribunal is committed to a modernization and a modelling of its practices by developing new processes while being innovative through the use of new technologies. Mission The Tribunal provides an impartial, fair, independent, and expeditious review of the validity of AMPs pertaining to agriculture and agri-food issued to any person by a federal agency. The Tribunal seeks to foster and promote better access to justice. About the Tribunal: Our Commitment to Canadians Vision The Tribunal safeguards the fairness, reliability and integrity of the AMPs regime. This regime is used by a number of federal agencies to ensure compliance with laws related to agriculture and agri-food. The Tribunal seeks to maintain the balance between the rights of Canadians receiving such penalties and the responsibility of federal regulators to protect human, animal and plant health. The use of new technologies and innovation must support this vision. Court Martial Appeal Court Federal Court of Appeal Military Courts Provincial and Territorial Superior Courts Provincial and Territorial Courts Federal Court Tax Court of Canada Provincial and Territorial Administrative Tribunals Federal Administrative Tribunals Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal Supreme Court of Canada Provincial and Territorial Courts of Appeal The Tribunal in the Canadian Legal System