Who we are
Established in 1989 in the Ottawa-Gatineau region, d2k provides its expertise in graphic and web design as well as exhibit and promotional products to businesses and government agencies across the country. We offer personalized service, backed by unparalleled quality control, in both official languages.
The talented, passionate and dedicated professionals who make up our team are always striving to exceed expectations.
Our clients also call us the Merchants of Miracles.

Our Team

General manager / Owner
Designer & Web Specialist
Senior Graphic DesignerQUALITY Assurance
Working as a team, our QA process ensures the enviable reputation of our Quality Assurance System (ISO 9002 certified), as well as an efficient workflow. We have strict written procedures for our planning, production, budgeting and scheduling activities that are standard and documented.
Registration from the person is done at every step/task, and for every service that we offer – in-house or sub-contracted (our sub-contractors are tested, approved and need to follow strict procedures). Our quality assurance program follows a direct path to quality, from the Art Director, the Typography and Quality Controller, the Government Standards Controller, to the Account Manager.
A project does not leave our office, at the proofs or final stages, before it has followed this path respecting our high quality standards (in French and English). This team also ensures that bilingual products are controlled according to the determined standards, as well as with respect to all Government FIP and Official Languages guidelines.
Our path to quality is highly structured and efficient. Every project has to follow that process in order for it to meet our high standards, as well as our clients’ expectations.
Here are a few of our clients
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada
Public Health Agency of Canada
Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
Canada Border Services Agency
National Bank of Canada
Library and Archives Canada
Office of the Procurement Ombudsman
Bureau de l’ombudsman fédéral des victimes d’actes criminels
Office of the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime
Centre franco-ontarien de resources pédagogiques
Chabot, Financial Services
Canadian Commission for UNESCO
Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal
Copyright Board of Canada
Parole Board of Canada
Commission Scolaire des Portages de l’Outaouais
Supreme Court of Canada
Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada
National Defence
Environment and Climate Change Canada
National Bank Financial
Policy Horizons Canada
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Justice Canada
Maison Libère-Elles
Department of Canadian Heritage
Parks Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Portes et fenêtres Desrochers
Health Canada
Canada Industrial Relations Board
Statistics Canada
Courts Administration Service
Gatineau City Police Department
Société de transport de l’Outaouais
Tax Court Canada
Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal
University of Ottawa
Ville de Gatineau