b'MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRPERSONSubmittingthissecondannualreportenablesme to make a series of observations after heading the Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal (Tribunal) for a full fiscal year. Onceagain,Ibelieveitsimportanttothankthe Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agri- cultureandAgri-Food,andhisentireteamfor providing me with continued and undeniable support forenablingtheTribunaltodeliveronitsmandate since my appointment. I remain confident that this close collaboration will continue with the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, the first woman to be appointed Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food in March 2019.Itisinthiscontextthatmynewcolleague,Ms. PatriciaFarnese,wasappointedinDecember2018. This appointment has strengthened the Tribunal team. Ms. Farnese brings a wealth of experience to the team, including agriculture and agri-food law and as a decision-maker in a provincial administrative tribunal.In my first annual report, I stated there would be a signi- ficant increase in the number of requests for review made to the Tribunal for this fiscal year. This was the case as we received 53 % more requests. The Tribunal isnowfacingasustainedandsignificantgrowth. This will continue in the following years with, amongDespitethestronggrowth,Iestablishedvarious other things, the coming into force of theSafe Foodprocesses which resulted in requests being processed for Canadians Act Safe Foods for Canadiansin an effective and expeditious manner. For instance, and thein January 2019. Regulationsintroducing mandatory case management conferences 2 CANADA AGRICULTURAL REVIEW TRIBUNAL'